Republican George Santos Parents Politicians Career At Stake

Republican George Santos‘ parents came into the limelight after he falsely claimed that his mother was in the South Tower of the World Trade Center when it was struck on 9/11. 

Mr. Santos is a Republican who represents parts of Long Island and Queens. A member of the Republican Party, Santos was elected to Congress in 2022 after running unsuccessfully in 2020 against incumbent Thomas Suozzi.

Santos was born on July 22, 1988,  to Fátima Aziza Caruso Horta Devolder and Gercino António dos Santos Jr. (known as Junior), both of whom were born and brought up in Brazil. 

Santos’ mother, Fátima Devolder, initially immigrated to Florida as a migrant worker to pick beans in 1985. She later moved to New York City and worked as a housekeeper, cook, and nanny. Santos’ father, Junior Santos, worked as a house painter. 

According to George Santos, his parents legally migrated to America in search of the American dream. He dedicates his life and career to his mother, who, in his words, gave up everything for her husband and children. 

In July 2021, Santos tweeted that his mother died in the 9/11 attack. Santos has made this claim not once, not twice, but a million times. 

What puts George Santos credibility in question is that six months after claiming his mother passed away most unimaginably, on December 23rd, 2021, Santos tweeted that he was profoundly missing his mum, who passed away five years ago. 

According to her online obituary, Santos’ mother, Fatima A.C.H. Devolder, died on Dec. 23, 2016, more than 15 years and three months after the attacks. She passed away at a Long Island hospice facility a day after celebrating her 64th birthday.

When Representative George Santos of New York was 24, he married a Brazillian woman. Till date, the name of Santos’ wife has not been disclosed. According to some sources, the marriage lasted seven years, and Santos divorced his wife in 2019. 

When he was supposedly married, he was also seen dating and proposing to men. His wife, a Brazilian national, obtained American nationality through her marriage to George Santos.

Why is George Santos’ political career at stake? 

Mr. Santos, a Republican representing parts of Long Island and Queens, is currently facing multiple inquiries over lies about his background during his two runs for office, his financial disclosures, and suspicious patterns in his campaign’s fund-raising and spending.

Santos has recently told people he is considering running for a second term, according to multiple Republican sources, and privately insists he will ultimately be cleared of all accusations. 

According to multiple reports, he hid inside his district office as constituents attempted to deliver a petition calling for his resignation on Wednesday.
