Doug Stanhopes girlfriend Bingo in a coma after birthday cocaine binge, seizure

Doug Stanhope girlfriend Bingo

Earlier this week, comedian Doug Stanhope broke the news to his fans that his long-time girlfriend Bingo was unconscious in a Tucson hospital ICU after an incident on Sunday night — just prior to her scheduled 40th birthday party on Monday. Never one to shy away from finding the humor in any situation, Doug tweeted a series of jokes over the next couple of days about Bingo being in a coma, but didn’t convey any details about what happened except to say she “fell down went boom.”

That all changed last night when Doug posted an episode of his podcast titled “Bingo In A Coma” in which he described in great detail everything that happened leading up to Bingo’s seizure and after, which included lots of cocaine, 4AM karaoke, lots more cocaine, and Marilyn Manson.


Here’s a not-so-brief recap:

Doug Stanhope's girlfriend Bingo photo

Bingo (photo above) was having a huge 40th birthday party on Monday, which was two days prior to her actual birthday. Doug explains that whenever there is some major event like this that Bingo tends to do a lot of cocaine and goes without sleep to make sure she gets all of the preparations done — and her 40th birthday was was no exception.

On Sunday evening, after many of the guests had already arrived for the next day’s festivities, Bingo suffered a seizure at approximately 8:30PM while on the driveway, and she fell backwards, hitting the back of her head on some steps and being knocked unconscious. A friend that was there was a nurse and he inspected Bingo’s injuries, which included a large gash on the back of her head that was streaming blood.

“All I could think is that’s how she used to fake orgasms,” Doug joked on the podcast.

Numerous calls were made to 911 and the dispatcher unfortunately chose the wrong one as far as the address because the ambulance driver was reportedly given the address of where one of the guests (who called 911) was staying.

The ambulance arrived late and Bingo was placed on a board and given a neck collar before being taken to a local hospital.

At this point, Doug reveals that he still isn’t all that worried and believes that it will just be a matter of getting her some stitches. He explains that she has had similar seizures and falling incidents in the past, with the most recent being a similar cocaine and no-sleep binge prior to Bingo shooting her music video. At the time of that seizure, Bingo was in a parking lot and she fell forward, hitting her face.

Since he feels confident that Bingo will be alright, Doug heads back inside and continues to participate in the pre-birthday celebrations.

Doug Stanhope and Bingo together

Later, Doug is informed that Bingo was being life flighted to a Tucson hospital approximately two hours away. One of Doug’s friends recalls making the joke: “Just when you thought Bingo couldn’t make this party any more about her, she pulled it off.”

Bingo was given multiple CT scans and narrowly avoided having surgery to remove part of her skull to alleviate pressure.

Meanwhile, Doug recalls their concerns about Bingo’s drug use and how her friend recovered a “larger than golf ball sized” amount of cocaine from her fanny pack after she was already at the hospital.

The friend returned the “very substantial amount of blow” to Doug, and he and his friends used the cocaine and did karaoke til after 4AM as they waited to hear updates on Bingo’s condition.

Doug assumed the next day’s party was still going to happen, but most everyone had left town the night before to go to Tucson where Bingo was being hospitalized. Doug and his pals were left to deal with those that didn’t know about Bingo’s accident, including the bartenders and several friends.

Once again not wanting to avoid an opportunity for a joke, Doug and his pals greeted one unknowing guest when he arrived by jumping out and shouting “SURPRISE!” before then stating that they thought he was Bingo. They played for a while like they were waiting for Bingo to arrive, at which point they would jump out and yell “SURPRISE!” as they had just done, but they eventually revealed the truth to the unsuspecting guest that Bingo fell down and injured her head, was currently in a coma in Tucson, and it was unclear if she was going to survive. As you might imagine, the guest had no idea what to believe at this point, and it reportedly took quite a while for them to convince him that Bingo was actually hurt.

Doug and his friends used the services of the bartenders and continued to drink heavily through the day. Doug was scheduled to participate in a live, four-hour election night “End of the World” show at The Comedy Store in Los Angeles on Tuesday night, and he decided that he was not going to cancel. After some debate about whether or not they should leave Monday night or early Tuesday, Doug and his compatriots decided to stay another night and (of course) continued to drink, etc.

Completely hung over, the Doug Stanhope crew flew to Los Angeles where they were staying at one of the many homes belonging to Doug Stanhope’s good friend Johnny Depp. After arriving, Doug decided to call up his friend Marilyn Manson, who later arrived with lots of cocaine — or at least lots of white powder that looked like cocaine, and had the same effect when everyone snorted it.

While in Los Angeles, Doug says he called Bingo and talked to her through the phone. He even says that at one point he proposed — half jokingly.

In addition, Marilyn Manson also spoke to Bingo and pleaded with her to get better because otherwise he would be left alone with Doug. (They were told that Bingo had some sort of slight physical response while Marilyn was talking with her.)

Doug did the live recording for the podcast, and explained why he frequently had to leave the table by revealing he was periodically going backstage to bawl his eyes out.

Doug is currently back in Arizona and earlier today he tweeted an update on Bingo’s condition along with a photo:

Doug Stanhope's girlfriend Bingo is in a coma

“No changes,” Doug captioned the picture, adding: “Except I fixed her hair a bit.”

In case you missed it, here is a timeline of Doug’s tweets after Bingo’s accident:

Doug Stanhope Bingo coma tweets

This is rape culture when Bingo is in a coma and all these broads thinks it "cool" to be all over her. #TrumpsAmerica

— Doug Stanhope (@DougStanhope) November 10, 2016

@alan_butler Fell down went boom.

— Doug Stanhope (@DougStanhope) November 10, 2016

@cayce_kroger @StanhopesCDP @hdfatty @gregchaille Two stabs at it and you still can't get "pool" right, you lummox.

— Doug Stanhope (@DougStanhope) November 10, 2016

I like to think @sternshow replay today of Bingo's last appearance wasn't just coincidence and I appreciate it.

— Doug Stanhope (@DougStanhope) November 10, 2016

Sorry had to dial back "I don't cancel gigs" rhetoric. Bingo still in coma but some positive signs, won't be over anytime soon. Will update.

— Doug Stanhope (@DougStanhope) November 10, 2016

Doug Stanhope Bingo coma tweets part 2

BTW, Inappropriate jokes as welcome as hopes,prayers, wishes. And I will put her in my death pool on trade round just to prove no hypocrisy.

— Doug Stanhope (@DougStanhope) November 11, 2016

Doug Stanhope Bingo coma tweet

I guess until she wakes up. @MichaelCoughlin "How long until you get conjugal visits"

— Doug Stanhope (@DougStanhope) November 11, 2016

@Piddy_X @MichaelCoughlin To avoid seeing the disappointment in her eyes.

— Doug Stanhope (@DougStanhope) November 11, 2016

No changes. Except I fixed her hair a bit.

— Doug Stanhope (@DougStanhope) November 11, 2016

@mixtapesalsa One of my faves so far.

— Doug Stanhope (@DougStanhope) November 11, 2016

I usually try to disappear when I'm going to cry but this hotel bar is so hipster-flush I'd rather stay and make them really uncomfortable.

— Doug Stanhope (@DougStanhope) November 12, 2016

@strong_ry I told her that at 30. Didn't have the courage to follow thru.

— Doug Stanhope (@DougStanhope) November 12, 2016

I send my well wishes to Bingo and I hope she is back on her feet and adding her Bingoness to the world soon! (I’m sorry Doug, but I just can’t bring myself to make a joke.)

As a follower of Doug Stanhope, I feel I should point out that he is someone who does not believe there is a situation that does not merit humor. (His recently published book is titled Digging Up Mother: A Love Story and deals in part with him assisting in his very sick mother’s suicide.) My first introduction to Doug’s unrivaled gallows humor was his series of podcasts about his friends and tenants Amy and Derrick Ross, a musical duo who performed under the stage name Nowhere Man and a Whiskey Girl.

Both Amy and Derrick appeared on Doug’s podcast and they joked about her condition and the likelihood that she did not have very long to live. She would later die from a “blood infection brought on by ongoing dialysis” and, just as he had stated on Doug’s podcast, Derrick then committed suicide one day later. At their request, Doug posted these updates on Amy’s Facebook page less than 24 hours apart:

Hey kids! Bad news! I died this morning and Derrick didn’t know how to tell you. I love you all and hope you go out and be nice to someone. Funerals are a bore so hopefully I don’t have one. Give Derrick some space… He stinks at this stuff so leave him be for now. Thanks for all the kindness… Please spread it around.


Sorry to bring more bad news but Derrick decided to join me at some point in the night last night. I thought it best you heard it from me. Enjoy every sandwich. We love and will miss you all. Go be nice to someone for us.

And, just in case you were curious, here is the “End of the World” podcast recording from Youtube:

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