Reasons Why My Strange Addiction Is Totally Fake

It's not uncommon for a reality show to stretch the truth in order to create some drama, but what TLC allegedly did to this My Strange Addiction star may have crossed the line. According to a Reddit post from someone named Lauren who claimed to be featured in an episode called "Fur Suit Fetish," her entire story was almost completely fabricated. 

The episode focuses on the subculture of furries, adults who dress in animal costumes. Lauren claims she was painted as a "jobless, educationless shut-in who uses a mask to hide behind the fact that [she] cannot accept the death of [her] father." She's described as wearing her furry suit every single day in public, but she claims that couldn't have been further from the truth.  

Lauren says her life is completely normal. Though her father's death was painful, she has a job, boyfriend, loving family, and friends. She apparently wears a fursuit just once a year at an annual convention. In fact, she said she crafted her fox look solely for the episode and considered making and wearing the fursuit just a "small hobby," not an obsession. She claims TLC "took what information [she] gave and ran with it."
