Alfonzo Turner Obituary, Alfonzo Turner Has Passed Away


Alfonzo Turner Obituary, Death – It is with heavy hearts that we bring the news of the transition of our beloved son, father, nephew, cousin, and brother, Alfonzo Turner. Our hearts are heavy, and we seek your support and prayers during this difficult time.

We kindly request that you keep Alfonzo’s mother, Michelle King, his father, Alfonzo Turner, his fiancée, Zii Davis, his daughter, sister, aunts, uncles, and all other relatives in your thoughts and prayers as we navigate through this tragedy together.

Today, as we wake to this news, we had hoped and prayed for a different outcome, but it was not to be. In these moments of grief and loss, we find solace in our faith, trusting that God has a plan even when we cannot comprehend the reasons behind such tragedies. We draw strength from our trust in the divine, knowing that we will get through this difficult time, albeit with heavy hearts.

To Alfonzo, known affectionately as “Smooch,” we want you to know that you are deeply loved and will forever hold a special place in our hearts.

Dianne and Fonzo, we want you to know that we are here for you, offering our support, love, and understanding as you navigate through this challenging period.

Alfonzo was a man who strived to provide for his beautiful family, demonstrating his love and commitment to those he cared for. We trust in God to be our strength during these trying times and seek His comfort and guidance to uplift us.

To all those who are currently experiencing their own hardships and pain, we pray that God keeps you lifted and provides solace in your time of need.

In this time of sorrow and reflection, we come together as a community to support one another, offering our love, prayers, and unwavering trust in God to see us through this difficult journey.

